Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thoughts Are Energy: "The Dark Knight Rises"


For spiritual travelers, it is taught and stressed: personal thought creates reality, and what we think about strongly influences our personal and collective physical, mental and spiritual world.

As beings of pure conscious energy, on many levels, we are what we think about: both individually and collectively.

In our country, again, there was another man made tragedy, where a crazed, gunman killed and wounded many innocents in a local movie theater. Ironically, the unknowing victims had come to view a late night showing of a new Batman movie entitled:' The Dark Knight Rises.' In this real life drama, a crazed, gunman assumed the role of Darkness; shooting, killing and harming many. For personal reasons, rising-up and creating, through deadly force, a night of tragedy, terror and death for many people he did not even know.

Across our land, because of the NEWS coverage, many more are affected and will continue to be affected; this negative energy and pain attached to this event, spiraling upward, growing personal fear and anxiety for millions. Many, now afraid to attend a local movie with their family.

From a mystical or spiritual view, this incident is yet another reminder- that whatever we think about- can and will become reality. For clearly, this gunman's action was the accumulation of many dark thoughts, experiences and patterns; both personal and collective, influencing his growing personal darkness, exploding into a night of horrible destruction.

Thoughts Are Energy

Mystics teach, each thought has a vibration or energy level attached to it; this energy becomes either a personal action or thought form which moves/vibrates out into the world seeking to attach itself to a similar vibration or action. If this thought form cannot find a similar thought or create personal action- this thought returns to the sender: that much stronger, influencing subsequent thought, personal experience and future action.

On an energy level, this is how we create personal action, thought and collective realities. Either through creating a physical action or a thought form that seeks expression, as vibrating energy; individually and collectively, we are creators of our own reality, every moment of every day.

Now when many people think the same thing, collectively, each creating a thought form and set of vibrations; this potential physical motion and thought expression, becomes that much stronger and physically alive. Continually, these thought forms, either personal or collective, seek a vehicle/opportunity to express themselves in the physical world. Because of this energy pattern, many people working together, physically, mentally, or spiritually can change a society and planet. Raised consciousness, causes a higher energy vibration, which results in higher collective thoughts and action. Law of the Universe.

Mystics offer: that is why it is so important to continually monitor our thoughts, and control and use them positively. Or said another way, using computer terminology, 'garbage in- garbage out.' And most people wonder why these are dark times; because many are deliberately thinking and creating dark energy thought forms (lower vibration) and actions.

How Thought Forms Work

Now, on a personal level, when travelers are repeatedly thinking about their fears and worrying, these repeating thought forms/patterns become stronger; seeking physical expression or if unable to physically express- return and slam us- mentally that much harder.

Consider the common example of trying to stop smoking. The urge to smoke comes to us and we try to fight it mentally; this thought and energy to smoke seeks a conduit to express itself physically, but is not able too because we resist mentally, at least initially. However, to keep constantly fighting this thought to smoke is exhausting, because it keeps returning to us and building its effect. When fighting a habit or addiction, that is why, people are taught to change their thoughts (switch attention), and do physically something else; by filling their minds with other more tranquil thoughts, positive physical activity or calling another person for help.

Mentally, you cannot take on directly- a very strong thought form: when you have been engaged in an action/habit for a long period (smoking cigarettes); in our brains, the thought to action pathway is much too strong and we require different techniques to disarm this repeating pattern. Particularly, if the thought/urge to smoke is combined with a physical addition to a strong drug like nicotine. Often, that is why both physical and mental techniques are required to disarm the thought/urge to smoke.

How To Disarm Dark/Negative Thoughts

Here are some techniques and exercises to help you learn to monitor and control your negative thought forms, destructive mental patterns and actions.

1) Inner Recognition Technique. Teach yourself to recognize when you are thinking negatively, and learn to stop creating harmful thought forms. You can do this by giving yourself an inner suggestion to call to your conscious attention, each time you have a negative thought, make a negative remark, or take negative action. Request to your Higher Self, to present an inner stimulus, in the form of an energy impulse, that points out each time you create negatively. Gradually, over a period of time, you will recognize and gain control over the negativity within. Give yourself the following suggestion: morning, evening and once during the day. Try offering up: 'O Higher Self, help me to recognize my own negative thoughts and actions. Please, help me and call to my conscious attention, each time I do this; please fill me with a gentle, inner energy reminder, that I need to create more positively.' Try this inner suggestion/recognition technique for 3 weeks and see what happens.

2) Positive Expression/Creation. Always express thoughts and desires positively; create energy that will work positively for you and others. How we phrase intentions is very important. For example, 'I will control and stop my smoking;' instead of stating, 'I must try to stop smoking.' There is a big difference between trying and doing.

3) Switch Attention. When thinking negatively, switch attention to another subject/topic. In a healthy mind, we can only think of one thing at a time. Think about something more positive or get-up and do something helpful, physically for another person.

4) Pray for Help. When in a negative zone, say a prayer to help yourself and help others. This prayerful, personal energy seeks to attach itself to another Higher Form of energy. This Higher energy is in everything.

5) Monitor Your Thoughts. At end of day, take an inventory of all the things you did and write down, list which thoughts or actions bothered you most. Identify, why these thoughts bothered you? Consider, how you can change individual action or thought? Then, as pure conscious energy, send out these positive, change filled affirmations into your world. Hopefully, the next time, you encounter a similar situation, this affirmation will be waiting and help you change how you operate.

Media & Thought Projection

Clearly, we are living in an electronic age and many of our thoughts, actions, fears and goals are influenced by what we see and hear on television, internet and through our cell phones. All of these messages are thought forms which are seeking similar vibrations and a conduit to create reality. Remember, this is how thought and action work together.

Individually and collectively as a society, if we are to survive, one day we must realize that it matters what we think about; because this leads to action or stronger returning thoughts that seek to create reality. When will we realize that it matters what message is being projected through our video games, movies, parents, teachers, clergy and government officials? All creating thoughts, desires, vibrations and energy that seek opportunity, or a conduit, to grow stronger and express self.

Dark Knight Rises

What happened in Colorado with a lone, crazed gunman going into a movie theatre and randomly killing people- is a tragic, horrible expression of one person's dark/insane thought patterns; and the over lay of a collective accumulation of dark patterns, thoughts by many others, all around him. Yes, we all are influenced by what is going on around us; these are dark times: with many dark messages in the world; all these thought/desires seeking physical expression, vibrating through us; and personally we must be strong enough not to let these dark patterns and their vibrations destroy us.

That is why, so many terrorist leaders, work on the mind of their companions, trying to convince (brain wash) them into taking a dark, sinister action. Control thoughts: control actions, individually and collectively. Law of the Universe.

What To Do About It?

While it is very difficult for the average spiritual traveler to control, physically, what takes place in the larger world; we do have much control over our self and what energy (thought forms) we project out into the world. The following suggestions are offered to help you take back the control you do have and send out positive energy/affirmations across this planet. Hopefully this positive vibration and energy will combine and create, through meaningful action, a new world of Light.

1) Control Your Consciousness. First work on yourself; learn to control what you think and consciously (mentally/physically) expose your mind too, on a moment by moment basis.

2) Help Your Children. Teach your children to do the same thing. It matters if they play or think about violent, sexually oriented videos for hours; or if they rise higher and contemplate and express personal beauty. These energy choices affect them on many levels.

3) Monitor External Energies. Daily, monitor your electronic habits and control what you expose your awareness too. Seek only those patterns that are pleasing, positive, joyful, and useful to self & others; this will help you create the positive reality you wish to live in.

4) NEWS Holiday. Moment by moment, take personal steps in the physical word, to control what thoughts/realities you experience and allow around you. In the electronic and written media, shut-off negative NEWS reports and monitor how much violence, negative thinking you watch and consume. Stop watching the NEWS for a week and see how you feel.

5) Create Affirmations. Daily, spend time thinking positive, affirmations for a healthier more loving society and planet. Start with yourself and create positive thought forms that lead to positive action. Remember help self and others. Eventually, all of these positive, Light filled thoughts and actions will take effect, creating a more positive Reality for every one.

6) Advocate Positive Reporting. Contact you local electronic media provider and request that they stop telling so many negative, excitement oriented stories. Tell them to stop reporting sensational, horrific, dark events that take place in the world. This reportage contributes to their creation. Tell them to focus on more positive stories or you will change your provider. Clearly, we have learned that media coverage seems to contribute to the frequency of terrorist attacks.

7) Shut-off Horror Shows. Stop watching movies, television shows and videos that feature crazed killers; particularly if these scenarios bother and upset you. In this area, you can control what you watch and think about. Remember, all these negative thoughts have energy that seeks to express itself in the physical world.

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Heaven & Hell

Hell is within the imagination and heart of men/women. Moment by moment, it is a Reality we help create. Similarly heaven is within our reach. Daily, we are faced with this choice.

Today, which Reality do you choose? ________ Check-out my two books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman's Dream. Both books are available through or local bookstore.

What Is a Good Business For a Veteran Retired From The US Navy?

During the 2012 election there was a debate between Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama on the future of the United States Navy. Governor Mitt Romney suggested that the United States needed more U.S. Navy ships. The president stated that since the ships are more technologically advanced these days, we don't need them in the same numbers as we have in the past. It is true that our Navy is having trouble covering the oceans of the world, but it is also true that President Barack Obama is going to cut military expenditures.

The DOD has already decided that it will cut $500 billion over the next decade, and that's probably just a down payment. What does this mean for the U.S. Navy? It means there will be fewer ships. Therefore we will need fewer sailors and seamen. Where will they go? Well, the military will let these individuals go with honorable discharges, and a number of people through attrition. They've already started. Many Navy bases are down to bare-bones already. Robotic ships will take over, and there will be less need for that many seamen (in theory as per the current President's plan).

Okay so, that means that all these retired veteran Navy personnel will be looking for work in the private sector. You must also recall that our unemployment is over 8% right now, and it will surely climb after 2013 as the federal government decides to cut its budget. What if these former Navy veterans can't get work in the private sector? Well, maybe they can start their own business. They have experience, know-how, hard work ethic, and they tend to fall the rules and do everything by proper procedures.

Might I suggest a small business in the marine sector?

How about cleaning and detailing boats?

How about upkeep services for high-end yachts and sailboats?

You may not have been thinking here, but I can tell you from being in the business previously that it is a good business, albeit hard work. Boat and yacht owners will trust retired military U.S. Navy personnel because of their service. It's hard to get someone to clean your boat and do proper detailing and find someone who will be punctual. That's certainly wouldn't be a problem for a Navy retired veteran.

Doing what you say you are going to do in this sector is paramount, and it's the same way in the U.S. Navy. Therefore this might be one potential option, and therefore I ask that you please consider all this and think on it.

Common Insurance Marketing Strategies

We all know that insurance is one of the things that we should all have. The reason is because the chances of accidents are getting higher each day and we certainly could use protection and safety especially with regards to our financial state. With insurance, we can make sure that we are going to be properly compensated whenever an accident happens. There are actually different types of insurances and these different providers are specialized upon providing compensation upon certain incidents. Car insurance for example, deals with car accidents and injuries while the pet insurance takes care of a pet's wellbeing.

Having knowledge about these facts, insurance agents are continuously coming up with different types of strategies in order to generate insurance leads. However, even though insurance is one of the most important things that every individual should have, it is still a challenge for insurance agents to look for potential clients. The reason is because there are a lot of insurance providers today that are competing against one another. Agents or even brokers should come up with an effective way to gather insurance leads and here are some of the most common strategies that they use in order to market their company.

Lead buying - Lead buying is one of the most effective ways upon generating insurance leads. By making use of the internet, they are able to purchase potential and high quality leads from providers online. These reputable providers will then forward the leads to their hands together with the best insurance lead services. However, this process could be very expensive especially to new agents. Online Marketing - The internet is one of the widest forms of communication. That is why most insurance agents make use of this fact in order to gather leads. By creating their own website, they are able to generate leads. The process goes when someone interested upon having insurance types a certain keyword on the search engine. The agents' website may be one of the sites to come up. However, for this to happen, the agent must make sure that his website is fully optimized. This is where SEO comes in. SEO is the process of making a website appear on the top pages of search engines by doing different strategies such as article writing and many more. Personal Advertising - This is also known as the face-to-face marketing wherein the insurance agent will personally talk to potential clients and convince them upon getting insurance. He will point out certain things that would fully persuade the client upon singing up to a contract. Though this strategy is considered to be one of the old school techniques, it still works out effectively.

Michiganders' Confidence in Long Term Care Costs

Half of the population of Michigan who are over the age of 50 admit that they are not confident they can afford Michigan long term care costs should they need more than a year of home care or facility care. According to them, the government of Michigan has to put priority on providing affordable long term care services especially for the elderly.

At present, most individuals and families in Michigan are paying approximately $85,000 annually for a private room in a nursing home. Since not everybody in this state has secured a long term care insurance (LTCI) policy, which could alleviate one's financial burden such as long term care expenses, they are forced to pay from out-of-pocket.

It 's not only nursing homes that provide LTC service at high rates, even community-based LTC facilities such as an assisted living center can rip one's savings account. On an average, elderly folks in assisted living facilities shell out $36,000 annually while it's $20,000 for regulars of adult day care health centers.

In-home care in Michigan is not any cheaper, too, as recipients of this type LTC in Michigan are paying $22 per hour for a home health aide who assists them in their activities of daily living (ADL) namely eating, bathing, dressing, continence, toileting, and transferring. To sum up their annual expenses only on a home health aide that would be close to $44,000.

Now if an elderly receiving in-home care is living alone, which is often the case these days, then there is much likelihood he would regularly acquire homemaker services apart from a home health aide. Home health aides do not render household chores so if one needs somebody to cook and prepare his meals, clean his house, wash his dirty laundry, and run errands for him, he has to hire a staff from a home health agency that provides homemaker services which charges $21 per hour.

Michigan Long Term Care Costs

The population of senior Michiganders aged 85 and older is growing at a very speedy rate but not every one of them is ready to face the cost of care.

Only a few residents of Michigan have secured a comprehensive LTCI policy which will shoulder their future LTC expenses whether these are incurred in a nursing home, community-based LTC facility, or at home.

Michigan's government is constantly trying its best to work out programs that will make LTC accessible to the elderly population and disabled individuals. Two of its programs, in fact, are currently benefiting a lot of people under and over the age of 65 who are receiving home care and community-based LTC services. These programs are called Adult Home Care and MI Choice Waiver Program.

Not everyone, however, will be fortunate to never need nursing home care. Truth of the matter is, the U.S Department of Health and Human Services said 40% of elderly people aged 65 and older are going to be admitted into a nursing home at some point in their lives. Now you may be one of them or you may not.

Suffice to say that with a definite LTC plan you wouldn't mind entering a nursing home someday should this be recommended by your physician because you are financially secure. That's all you need, a good plan for Michigan long term care costs.

How to Get a Better Rate on Boat Insurance Online - 5 Critical Tips

It's fairly easy to get a quote on boat insurance online - simply type boat insurance into a popular search engine and watch the insurance companies come in like a lightweight speed boat. However, how can you find a better rate on your boat insurance? Here are five tips to help you in your search.

1.Patience is a virtue. It took you long enough to buy your sail boat so a little more patience, as you've observed, can always help. Don't sign with the first boat insurance company because they offer a seemingly good price. Compare that price to other insurance quotes and settle on the best one after a patient search.

2.Modesty is a virtue. If you want a sporty, super-fast boat then expect to pay for it, just like with car insurance. Sport boats are more expensive to insure, but safer boats such as pleasure crafts and with nominal speeds are more likely to be discounted. Avoid boats with extremely powerful engines, outrageous speeds and a lightweight design. If you're already that good at controlling that speedster, who needs insurance anyway?

3.Boat value is an expense. In addition to safety, boat value is an important issue. If the boat has some extreme value (pay offs for accidents or death) then naturally a high insurance quote will come back to you. Check a few different insurance companies to make sure you have the best deal and try lowering the total insurance policy to save on monthly premiums.

4.Being reckless is an expense. Just like on the road, in the water safety is a primary concern. Many insurance companies will offer discounts on boat insurance premiums if the owner completes a boating safety-training course. This not only teaches you how to boat more effectively but can also teach you how to avoid making any errors that could cost you and the insurance company a lot of money. While insurance companies have lots of money to lose, you have your entire life to worry about!

5.Staying with the same insurance company is a virtue. You can also look for extra savings by contacting the same insurance company that handles your car insurance and homeowners insurance policies. Often times, companies offer discounts to the insured who have multiple plans. It protects you and likewise gives the company more money, while simplifying the bill paying process. These 5 tips can help you save on boat insurance quotes. See you out on the water!

One Foot On the Ground, A Pilot's Memoirs of Aviators And Aviation By Paul Roxin

This book review was originally published by the US Review of Books and appears as is seen on their website. It is about early aviators during World War II and speaks to the Greatest Generation. If you are looking for a gift for men over 70 or for any WWII buff, this is a good read.

"we recalled the wonderful memories of a bygone era, when individual valor, integrity, and camaraderie stood for something. Sandy had it all, but for all of us who knew him, it just wasn't for long enough."

Roxin attempts to record the antics and courage of many early pilots, who tested their metal before and during World War II. Part history, part memoir, Roxin successfully opens our eyes to a shrinking generation, whose surviving members are now mostly in their 90s. He is generous in his acknowledgement of women and their contributions to not only flying, but to the war effort.

Roxin's small dossiers on his fellow pilots and friends give you just enough information to warm you to these early daredevils and at the same time leaves you wanting to know more. This is the mark of a good storyteller. His insights make you wonder at the recklessness of some early pilots, like David Taschman, who had to abort a mission, but decided to drop his payload on an enemy train he and his crew flew over on their way back to Italy. He missed, but the train was derailed. It reveals a time when pilots literally flew by the seat of their pants.

While Rosin focuses on the day-to-day heroes of aviation, he also includes some little known stories of famous aviators like Charles Lindbergh, Amelia Earhart, Jimmy Stewart and Tyrone Power. Who knew Rochester, New York was such an important center for early flight training companies? Many firms like American Airlines, USAir and Gannett Newspapers got their start in this area. The naming of O'Hare International Airport after a World War II hero is sure to pique the reader's interest to know more about the men and women, who were the foundation of not only the United States Air Force, but the aviation industry as a whole.

The Red Flag Rule And Businesses

I was talking to a business owner / friend the other day and he was showing me a concept for a website that he had been working on for the last year or so. However, before he showed me any specifics about the website and any of the particulars he wanted me to sign a confidentiality agreement. I read and signed the agreement. He then started to explain what he was trying to accomplish with the site on how it was going to be maintained, marketed and the revenue side of his campaign. The reason he wanted to show me his project is that he wanted relevant businesses to be associated with his project. The more I sat and listened the more I was convinced that this project of his had the potential of really doing well in the Internet Arena.

What I'm getting at is that my friend had the intellect and understanding to "protect" his idea and investments from being stolen from people by having them sign a confidentiality statement before he released any information. When it comes to opening or running a business I think you'll agree there are no shortages of regulations that are set forth by Federal and local governments to operate. Having said that I have to admit one of the best ones to come out in recent years is the "Red Flag Rule" which addresses Identity Theft in the workplace. I'm not a big fan of regulations myself but this is one all businesses can live with and adhere to with astounding ease. And if you're not familiar with this regulation don't feel bad. In my experience in this field I would estimate that over 85% of the companies and businesses that I come in contact with have either never heard of the law or have not implemented it. And what's surprising to me is that, even though this regulation is required by law, business owners are reluctant to put it into place.

Let's take a quick look at this regulation. There are several identity theft laws that deal with workplace identity theft protection but they all pretty much point in the same direction.

1) Have a security policy in place that addresses the company's security issues. Writing one of these from scratch can be time-consuming and cumbersome if you don't know what to look for. What I offer to my clients is a template to help speed up the process and to assist in focusing on the problem areas. I have taken the most difficult part of the equation and turned it into a task which takes minutes to complete.

2) Appoint a Security Officer to oversee the implementation of the Company's Security Policy and to update the policy when needed.

3) Your employees need to be trained on how they handle non-public information and have them sign a confidentiality agreement. Not only is this is the easiest part of the whole arrangement in my mind, it is the most critical because it ties all three components together to create a "Culture of Security" in your workplace.

This law makes sense in the aspect that all employees are on the same page when it comes to non-personal information and how it is handled. With more than half of the identity theft here in the U.S occurring in the workplace and the amount of the fines that are associated with a breach of information this regulation just makes sense to a company's bottom line.

Identity Theft Prevention Tips - All Internet Users Need To Know

If you are a frequent internet user, then you should definitely be concerned about identity theft. Every year 10 million people fall victim to identity theft. You can avoid becoming a victim by not giving out your personal information and making sure your computer is properly protected.

Whatever you do online, make sure you refrain from giving out your personal information to people who you don't know. If you receive an email from your bank or other financial institution asking for information, do not click on the link in the email. Call the bank or institution or enter their web address in your internet browser directly. Financial institutions should not be requesting information through email. If yours does, then you may want to consider closing your account and switching to a different institution.

When making a purchase online, do not enter your credit card information unless you are on a secure internet page. A secure internet page can be identified by an "https" prefix to the web address instead of the typical "http" prefix. Many times you will also notice a symbol of a closed padlock to indicate a secure webpage as well.

You can further prevent online identity theft by choosing difficult-to-crack passwords. You should use passwords with a mixture of numbers, capital letters, and lowercase letters and symbols at least eight characters in length, but the more the better. Make sure you avoid using the same password for every site. Instead, write the websites and their usernames and passwords down on a piece of paper and keep it in a safe and inconspicuous yet accessible place. Just make sure you do not save them as a file on your computer. As a matter of fact, make sure you do not store any personal information such as credit card numbers or social security numbers on your computer, cell phone, or other electronic device.

You also want to make sure your computer protection software is up to date. It is imperative this day in age to have good antivirus, anti-spyware and firewall installed and constantly updated. You can find a lot of good free software out there that will perform these tasks just fine, but many of them do not update automatically. For ultimate online protection, it is usually worth the price to purchase a good internet security system. This will ensure your computer security, and your private information is kept up to date.

Now that you know how to prevent becoming a victim of online identity theft, it's time to put these methods to use. Just remember, be very skeptical about strange emails and make sure you make purchases from a trusted, secure website. It is also a good idea to use many difficult-to-crack passwords and ensure your computer protection software is up to date. By following these methods you can significantly lower your chance of being one of the 10 million yearly victims of identity theft.

Malpractice Attorneys - Because You Have Rights Against Malpractice

It was in 1994 that the term malpractice attorney was coined, and it was in response to the increasing number of victims who suffered from the negligence of doctors and other hospital staff. These attorneys fight for the injustice done to their clients who suffer from either malpractice or negligence of the doctors, employed during medical procedure. It is really unfortunate as people, when injured or suffering from a disease go to a private doctor hoping for the best possible treatment. They shell out huge amount of money for their treatment, but find themselves afflicted with another injury or ailment when they return from the hospital. There have been horrific cases of doctors forgetting surgery instruments inside the bodies of the patients, and it is only when the patients become serious because of their lapse do they come to realize their blunder.

If a person receives injury or permanent disability because of lapses on the part of the doctor during a medical procedure, he is protected under the law to fight for the injustice done to him and he can press claims under malpractice laws against the erring doctor or the person he thinks is responsible for his injuries. Malpractice attorneys are specialists who understand the implications of the related laws and seek compensation for their clients who have been injured in this fashion. It is because of the efforts of these experts that thousands of victims of malpractice have received compensations in terms of not only money but also free treatment of the injuries that they received because of the malpractice.

Malpractice in the field of medicine is preventable as it takes place when the practitioner does not perform his duty at the highest level of perfection or when he has a lapse in concentration. Though no amount of compensation can pay for the mental and physical losses suffered by the victims of medical malpractice, the money heals some of the mental wounds in the sense that he feels that he received justice in some way. This compensation also comes in handy as the victim can easily undergo treatment for his injuries elsewhere.

If you or any of your relatives or friends has suffered due to medical malpractice, you should immediately contact a competent malpractice attorney. These attorneys can be found in the yellow pages or you can search for them through internet. Before appointing a malpractice attorney, make sure that he is a thorough professional and has won malpractice cases before. You can also go by the advice of your friends who may have undergone malpractice injury themselves.

Sometimes, the case is very complicated as when the victim has undergone any surgery and it becomes difficult for the malpractice attorney to pinpoint the lapse or negligence of the doctor. Remember to disclose all minute details during the time you were hospitalizes and also all the papers that you may have signed before your operation. Malpractice attorneys are experts in their field but need all your help to get you compensation if you are a victim of malpractice.

What Is An In-Plan Roth Conversion?

Because of the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010 (H.R. 5297; Pub. L. No. 111-240), signed into law by President Obama on September 27, 2010, many people want to know what an in-plan Roth conversion is. This new provision makes it possible for any employer-sponsored plan, that includes a qualified Roth contribution program, to make this new feature available.

Employees who participate in an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan can now elect to roll over any eligible rollover distribution of non-Roth sums into an individual Roth account within the same plan.

Before this law was enacted, participants could only make a Roth conversion by rolling over their distribution completely out of their employer-sponsored plan and then into a separate Roth IRA.

Current or former participants are eligible to exercise this option, along with surviving spouses of participants. However, non-spouse beneficiaries of participants are excluded from this option.

Eligible participants can elect to accomplish an in-plan Roth conversion either directly, or within 60 days. Of course, the conversion is taxable, but without the usual 10% early withdrawal penalty. And for the 2010 tax year, the applicable taxes can be paid in two equal in 2011 and the other in 2012.

Moreover, as of 2010, the income limits which used to apply to Roth conversions have been eliminated.

As with any new law which affects businesses and their employees, there are frequently asked questions which come up. Here are some of the more common questions.

What Types of Plans Fall Under In-Plan Roth conversion?

Section 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, and beginning in 2011, governmental 457(b) plans. The provision does not apply to money purchase pension plans, profit sharing plans, or defined benefit plans (e.g., traditional or cash balance plans). A Roth feature may be added to a 401(k) (or 403(b)) plan now, but it cannot be limited to Roth conversions.

Are Business That Provide Employer-Sponsored Plans Required to Offer This Feature?

Currently, plan sponsors are not required to offer this new feature. In fact, there may have been a lot of hesitation to make it available in 2010 because of all the administrative and employee relations hurdles needed to be overcome before properly implementing this feature.

Is There a Limit To the Amounts Which Are Eligible For Conversion?

Any contributions which are vested, along with any earnings would be considered to be eligible for conversion. These include: (1) pre-tax 401(k) and 403(b) deferrals (beginning in 2011, governmental 457(b) deferrals), and their earnings, (2) matching contributions, and their earnings, (3) profit sharing contributions, and their earning, and (4) after-tax contributions, and their earnings.

Are There Any Distributions Which Are Ineligible for Conversion?

Distributions which are excluded from a Roth conversion include hardship distributions, required minimum distribution (RMD) payments, lifetime payments, installment payments of 10 years or more, certain corrective distributions, etc.

How Will a Roth Conversion be Reported to the IRS?

A Roth conversion will be reported on Form 1099-R similar to a direct rollover to a Roth IRA from the plan. While there is no federal income tax withholding required, employers can choose to allow voluntary withholding.

However, it still remains to be seen, if an employee elects voluntary withholding whether or not the IRS will consider the withheld amount as a distribution and then levy a 10% early distribution on that amount unless an exception applies (e.g., age 59-1/2, age 55 and retired), in which case, separate 1099-Rs will be required.

If you'd like more details about a Roth conversion, please visit my web site.

How Can I Heal Arthritis Naturally?

When people are diagnosed with arthritis they are often given medical treatment but are not advised on the amazing benefits of natural remedies or the healing power of specific diets and certain supplements. This is not the fault of the doctors; they specialize in pharmaceutical support, not nutritional advice. However, if you like the idea of you or someone close controlling the pain of their arthritis naturally, without being dependent on medication, then read on.

1. An alkaline diet.

If our body is acidic then pain will always be more pronounced. By avoiding acid forming habits such as meat, dairy, salt, sugar, wheat, alcohol and smoking, you increase the alkalinity of your body and reduce pain. If you want to know more, this site gives you a comprehensive list of foods in each category:

2. Omega 3 essential fats.

These fats are vital to joint health so anyone with pain conditions will benefit from supplementing them. I recommend a good omega 3 fish oil supplement as well as flax seed daily in your breakfast cereal. Omega 3 and 6 fats work as close allies so make sure you are getting healthy amounts of both. Primrose and starflower oil are good alternatives if you are vegetarian.

3. Glucosamine and chondroitin.

There is a lot of very stable research supporting the effectiveness of these supplements in healing and stalling the damage associated with joint degeneration. It is definitely worth a go. I have clients who stop taking it and notice immediately.

4. Water.

If your body is dehydrated then it is always going to be in more pain. Try to get 2 litres of fluid a day including teas and juices and try and avoid caffeine as much as possible! Always combine juices with water and drink natural mineral water where possible.

5. Turmeric (curcumin).

There is fantastic research documenting the benefits of the active healing element in turmeric (curcumin) for reducing inflammation. Eating turmeric in your foods is good for you but to reap the benefits of this healing food then buy a high potency curcumin product (such as lamberts). I know people who swear by this product and use in daily with great results.

6. Keep Moving - Circulation.

Although being in pain makes you want to hide in a hole, doing gentle exercise is actually exactly what your body needs. Try yoga, pilates, swimming and gentle walking. You don't have to go crazy, just keep your limbs moving. Even if you are simply doing some stretching and breathing on the floor it is better than lying in bed for long periods when things are bad.

7. Probiotics.

A healthy gut is necessary for overall good health. If you have a congested bowel then your blood and bones will always be getting a steady supply of toxins. A good probiotic may help to you keep your gut healthy and therefore your blood supply clean and nutrient rich.

8. Go Veggie!

This is not necessary and not for everyone. However if you are up for trying anything then see how you feel after a month on a vegetarian diet. It is naturally more alkaline in nature and avoiding meats is a great way of keeping your digestive tract healthy.

9. Apple cider Vinegar.

The mineral composition of this vinegar and the acidity of the fermented drink actually make it a fantastic alkalising addition as well as boosting mineral levels. Again, I hear of people controlling lots of pain conditions with the help of this natural remedy. Take a capful of organic apple cider vinegar (preferably with the 'mother' or residue still in it) and add to a little water. Drink 3 times a day before meal.

10. Meditation and Positive Thought.

I know, this might bring on a groan... how can the way I think affect my pain? However after living in pain for six year of my twenties I am very familiar with it and the thought processes that accompany it. Pain makes you withdraw emotionally and sink inside yourself, bringing with it feelings of hopelessness and fear. If you can intercept these fears and replace them with positive thoughts of feeling better soon and relaxing into the comfort of a hot bath, then you can prevent those negative feelings from taking you further into the emotional trauma of physical pain. Stop tightening up and lighten up.

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